Head full no thoughts >:(
Hello there! My name is Orion and I'm your local rave-going genderweird cripple-punk artist!
I'm not a bite risk! Don't listen to them!
This is our first website that we've made entirely on our own. We started making it in 2021 and we hope to make it an absolutely chaotic, neon mess of our favorite interests! Outside of spending all day coding, we like to sew, party, rave, and talk to our fellow neurodivergent peeps on the internet so if you want to say hi, feel free! We dont bite! (Unless you ask us to)
Some other facts about us are that we're autistic, plural, and disabled. We want this site to be a safe space for other weirdos like us so any bigots can fuck off!
Sup! We thought we might introduce a couple of ourselves so you know who'se running the website! There's more than 10 people in the consellation, but for the sake of space, we're only writing intros for the 4 of us that work on this website the most.
who are you?
we're the orion constellation! we're a OSDD collective with more than 10 people and we're running this website together
who'se Orion?
Orion is our host, which means he's the one in control the most often and usually the one working on this. We aren't named after him, we just like calling ourselves a constellation more than a system
so you're all different people?
Yep! We all have our own strengths and weaknesses, and we all have a different function in day to day life.
It's like having a bunch of roomates! that can control your body. and. lose all your things.
Webmaster links- Sadgrl's list of resources to help you build your website. This ranges from accessibility to archiving, graphics, anything you might need.
HTML Cheatsheet- Website with a whole bunch of common html codes that you can copy and paste. great for beginners who are just starting to learn code!
Tiled backgrounds- Huge collection of tiled backgrounds to use.
Fonts- A list of cool fonts with a sci-fi/videogame theme.
Unapothecary Websites- Extensive website directory of 208 cool sites. Including torrenting, pirating, coding, etc sites. Very worth looking at.
Sci-hub- The goal of Sci-Hub is to provide free and unrestricted access to all scientific knowledge
12ft ladder- Remove popups, banners, and ads from any website
science.gov- Science.gov provides access to millions of authoritative scientific research results from U.S. federal agencies.
PDF Drive- Search and download PDF files for free.
MEGA folder of language and linguistics- Exactly what it says. Includes textbooks, dictionaries, learning worksheets, and more for learning hundreds of languages. Also includes history, science, and tons of other types of resources.
OneZoom:All life- An interactive map of the evolutionary links between all living things known to science.
100,000 Stars- An interactive 3D visualization of the stellar neighborhood, including over 100,000 nearby stars.
Just fun stuff
Bitsy- 2d pixel game maker
Warning:contains flashing gifs
This originally started as me just downloading stuff I liked and saving them to my computer cause I thought they were pretty. Unfortunately that means that I dont have any sources for most of this collection but any that I do, have their source linked. If you made any of these or know where they're from, feel free to send me a message on my neocities profile! ^-^
I hope you like them :3
Cool neocities sites! Feel free to add my button to your site. I'll probably return the favor if you tell me <3